Articles by Tonya Johnston
Mental Skills Training Articles
Practical Horseman Column: Pre-Ride Routines 101
Whether you are feeling "flat" or "nervous", channeling your energy productively is the key to success. "Remind yourself that you do in fact (1) need your energy and (2) have control over it." Read about how to do this in an excerpt from Inside Your Ride, Chapter 5...

Equestrian Ontario: Tonya Johnston, MA: Problem Solving with Sport Psychology
You may turn to the field of sport psychology to help you with your riding for many different reasons. You may look for support while striving for excellence or achieving your goals. You might want assistance moving up to a new division or while building a partnership...

Practical Horseman Column: Value your Energy Style
From Tonya Johnston's Practical Horseman Column In Tonya Johnston's latest column on mental skills for equestrians, she chats with top show jumper and former equitation star Brianne Goutal. Click to read

Practical Horseman Column: Tonya on Inspired Goal-Setting
From Tonya Johnston's Practical Horseman Column This month, equestrian mental-skills coach Tonya Johnston chats with dressage star Laura Graves and offers ways for riders to reach for their riding goals. Click to read
Riding Your Sales Horse? How to Handle the Pressure
Appeared on, January 2016 By Tonya Johnston, MA Your potential buyers just called from the airport to say they are on their way. You may be at a horse show or at your barn at home, but either way you have everything lined up and in tip-top shape. Though...

Practical Horseman Column: Tonya with Phillip Dutton
From Tonya Johnston's Practical Horseman Column Mental skills coach Tonya Johnston shares some practical tools for increasing your mindfulness during a ride after catching up with eventer Phillip Dutton. Click to read
Competing “Against” Friends
Appeared in iJump Magazine, January 2013 By Tonya Johnston, MA Going to horse shows with your friends can be a fantastic, fun experience. You get to root for each other, be silly together between classes, clap and whoop after each other’s great rides, and help one...

Practical Horseman Column: What’s in your Mental Skills Toolbox?
From Tonya Johnston's Practical Horseman Column Mental skills coach Tonya Johnston explains that great show days take preparation, inspiration and focus and shares top hunter pro Liza Boyd's personal strategy. Click to read
Sport Psychology for Riders: Benefits of the Small, Unrated Horse Show
Sport Psychology for Riders: Benefits of the Small, Unrated Horse Show Featured on, July 2015 By Tonya Johnston, MA Competing at a friendly, well run, practice horse show can be wonderful for so many reasons. I was recently reminded of these positives...

Preparing for a New Horse Show
Preparing for a New Horse Show The Plaid Horse, April 2015 By Tonya Johnston, MA It doesn’t matter how long you have been riding and competing, arriving at a new horse show venue is always exciting! Recently I had the good fortune of traveling for the first time to...

Psychological Tips and Tools for Trying a New Horse
by Tonya Johnston, MA Featured article on, October, 2014 How do you keep yourself calm, cool and collected while you are trying Mr. or Ms. Maybe-Right? Let’s face it, trying new horses can be a lot like going on a bunch of highly recommended blind dates....

Channel Your Energy Productively
by Tonya Johnston, MA Appeared in Practical Horseman, July 2012 There you are on your horse, waiting for your lesson to start. Things have been very challenging recently, and to say you’ve been having a rough time is an understatement. These difficulties are...